We had a cow to make Pulsepoint stand out


Sometimes in a competitive marketplace you just have to make that creative leap to be seen. Pulsepoint, a data-driven healthcare adtech platform, approached MyMedia with a brief to boost their visibility. An important event was approaching with particular relevance in their market.

The brief was clear: a highly memorable and engaging item to cement leads at the 'Digital Pharma East' event in Philadelphia. Pulsepoint wanted to focus on two brand assets, their hexagon building blocks and their community mascot – a cow. It also had to link creatively with a concurrent campaign.

MyMedia set its creative studio the task. The response was a Lego cow, branded with the line ‘The building blocks of business’, to be used as high-end direct mail or a gift at the event, This was scoped, sourced and printed in a matter of days and proved uniquely successful.


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