We defused an emergency for Greenlight


It’s almost painful when an opportunity comes to your attention a little too late. That’s what happened to business permit service Greenlight when an event in a promising new market came into view with only two weeks left to go...

MyMedia was able to swiftly assess the possibilities and worked within this tight timeframe to create everything needed. We converted existing digital assets so they could be used in person, designed and made a complete event stand and other printed assets, and coordinated all production and delivery so everything was built and ready for the sales team. We were even able to give advice on branding and creative.

From an emergency situation to a stress-free resolution. The event in this test market was a huge success and marked the start of an enduring relationship. Greenlight now uses MyMedia as a high-touch partner to help guide its sales strategy, identifying and testing new markets with direct mail to generate leads in support of the sales team.


We took Transperfect into Europe and Asia